Case studies for shops Solid illuminated letters
Solid letters are an excellent solution to represent your brand with elegance, for effective advertising communication.
Above all, solid letters find the greatest application where small dimensions and low thicknesses become an aesthetic requirement.
Customized signs
We create luminous letters and solid advertising signs with different thicknesses, shapes and sizes, according to your needs. Thanks to their “fresh and pleasant” line, they are suitable to identify the internal environments through customizable “naming”.
Easy maintenance
Thanks to the continuous evolution of LED technology, today we can illuminate our methacrylate letters using LED modules. This allows, in the event of maintenance, to be able to replace only the module / s concerned without having to change all the letters of your sign.
Careful design
The luminous solid methacrylate letters are designed in such a way that the LEDs dissipate the heat produced while maintaining the luminous flux.
General contractor - Solid letters not luminous
Solid non-luminous letters made on behalf of a general contractor customer. These are 20 mm thick painted methacrylate letters.
Direct light solid acrylic letters
Le insegne luminose su vetro a lettere singole in massello metacrilato con o senza adesivo traslucent a luce diretta, sono fissate all'esterno della vetrina.
All'interno della vetrina viene fissato il contenitore di sorgente luminosa (funzionante mediante led) sagomato e completo di sistemi di sicurezza anticaduta.